Today, most people have the habit of drinking wine around the world. This is because; wine manufacturing company is increasing a lot today. However, it is possible to prepare wine at your home by using essential things.
Also, you can also able to get those essential products. But the factor is you can’t prepare this suddenly and will take more days or months to prepare complete and taste wine.
Nowadays, most of them are soaking cheese in the wine for good taste. Is possible to soak cheese in wine? If yes! How to do that?
If looking for an answer for these questions, then you are in the right place. Here you can find the answer for all that question.
Cheese is essential one for this process, so it is advisable to make cheese and wine at your home instead of buying outside stores for better results.
If you failed to prepare it then no issues, you can use local wine. If you take goat milk to make cheese, then it will be good. That’s because, if you make with goat milk and the recipe will come out with softer, mellower, and sweeter. So everyone will love this drunken cheese.
But remember one thing always sanitize your cheese making equipment before begin the process. Wine soaked cheese is called as drunken cheese.
You need to soak the cheese in wine for weeks or months to get delightful drunken cheese. However, it does not require a cheese cave for making this.
How to make cheese?
First, take equal quantity of lipase and water and mix well
Sprinkle tsp mesophilic culture on milk and add rennet into that
Heat water to 175F (80C)
Stir curds for 5 minutes and sprinkle non iodized salt on curds
Flip cheese at 12 hours, press again 12 hrs.
How to make drunken cheese?
Generally, these kinds of cheese are specifically made for the factories, but if you want to make that at your home or want to know this to start small business, then it will use for you.
For this, you need to dip and wash the entire cheese wheels with wine pressing and then left to age in the wine.
You need to soak this for so many moths for better results, some cheese wheels will be soaked for up to 150 days.
Therefore, make use of this information and prepare cheese made with wine by following above mentioned steps.
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